Callidus believes that by effectively integrating health and safety into broader organisational strategy, your organisation can improve how it operates and gain valuable business benefits including better productivity, increased profits, improved reputation, and a stronger brand presence.
Health and safety is vital in any business and managed correctly it can mean a reduction in risk for your people, customers, and your company. We know however that this can also be overwhelming and challenging to manage, which is why our experienced and highly skilled team can help to reduce this uncertainty. With proven results for companies worldwide, we provide a personal service that will provide compliancy and protect your organisation.
At Callidus, we deliver success using our three-pronged framework that will ensure added value through effective delivery and management of health and safety services.

Plan ensures our clients are effectively structured, resourced and prepared for managing their key risks and activities. We will ensure that senior leadership are engaged and understand the key strategic benefits of effective health and safety management; and will appreciate their role and responsibilities in ensuring it is integrating into how the organisation operates and behaves.
Protect provides the framework and the tools to ensure that our clients, their people, and others who might be impacted by their activities are protected from the risks associated with their operations. These solutions will ensure that clients have demonstrable and measurable evidence of how they manage health and safety. The guidance we provide as part of our services will ensure clients have a clear and unambiguous framework within which to operate.
Perform provides our clients with the tools to monitor, report and review how effectively they are performing in relation to health and safety management. We adopt innovative solutions to tailor a suite of resources to provide critical information in a format that is clear, precise, and is linked to agreed performance indicators.
How our services work
Our diverse and highly experienced team understand the challenges of ensuring compliance, whilst also making solutions pragmatic and workable for the environment in which they are required. We take pride in understanding our clients’ needs and use our technical skills and wide-ranging industry experience to develop and deliver innovative and effective solutions which are proven to work in practice, whilst also supporting the client and building trusting and long-lasting relationships.
The framework below indicates how our services are structured within the Plan, Protect, Perform model.
Strategic Risk Management
Benchmarking and Best Practice
Management Systems
Board Advice and Executive Briefings
Supply Chain Assurance
Fire Risk Consultancy
H&S Competent Person
Policy and Procedure development
Site Inspection and Risk Assessment
Training and Skills
Organisational Audits
Software and Data management
Cultural and Behavioural Analysis
Health and Safety Improvement Programmes
Speak to one of health and safety experts or click on the links above for more information.