Our Vehicle Pedestrian and Marshal Course is a half day course aimed at providing awareness and knowledge in relation to those persons responsible for directing traffic around site and in and out of site entrances, where they may interface with other site employees or members of the public.
The course, which is a blend of classroom teaching and physical on-site practical exercises, aims to gives an understanding of how they should control and direct vehicles entering and leaving the site and managed vehicle movement around site.
Learning objectives of the training course:
- An understanding of the traffic management plan on site.
- Be able to spot traffic hazards and take appropriate action.
- Understand and give basic recognisable signals to vehicle drivers.
- Give drivers a site traffic brief before entering or leaving the site.
On successful completion of the training course, delegates should be able to:
- Understand the requirement and management controls of the site Traffic Management Plan.
- Manage the banking of vehicles on site and control pedestrian interaction on and off site (entrances).
- Communicate effectively with vehicle drivers.
- Manage associated hazards with vehicle / pedestrian marshal duties.